A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Key Sustainable Development UN Dates for 2019 | The Youth Cafe


2-13th September

UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) -COP14: New Delhi, India

4-6 September

Korea International Water Week: Daegu, Republic of Korea

17th September

Start of the 74th UN General Assembly: New York, US

20-23 September

IPCC 51st Session: Monaco

21 September

Youth Climate Summit: New York, US

22 September

Launch of the Principles for Responsible Banking: New York, US

23-29 September

Climate Week: New York, US

23 September

UNGA will hold a one-day high-level meeting on Universal Health Coverage: New York, US

UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit: New York, US

Climate Week: Creating Value in a Climate Emergency: International Federation Of Accountants (Ifac) And Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants (Acca)

Climate Week: Eliminating the Effects of Racism on Our Work to Sustain All Life: Sustaining All Life And United To End Racism

Climate Week: Expressing Climate Grief: Sustaining All Life and United to End Racism

Climate Week: Young People Leading on the Climate Emergency Now and Into the Future: Sustaining All Life and United to End Racism

Climate Week: TCFD Good Practice Handbook Launch: Climate Disclosure Standards Board (

Climate Week: Sustainable Future Forum 2019:

Climate Week: Psychology & Our Planet: New Knowledge Organization Ltd.

24 September

Climate Week: Zero Waste East: Zero Waste Events

Climate Week: Under2 Members' Meeting: The Climate Group: SPARK NEWS

Climate Week: RE100 Members' Forum: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Achieving Net Zero Embodied Carbon: World Green Building Council

Climate Week: The Net-Zero Industry Transition: Global CCS Institute

Climate Week: International Conference on Sustainable Development: SDSN Association, INC.

Climate Week: Heating & Cooling - The Next Frontier: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Sustaining Ourselves as Activists & Organizers: Sustaining All Life And United To End Racism

Climate Week: We Will: Efficient, Clean Cooling For All: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Supporting Young People of Color in The Climate Movement: Sustaining All Life And United To End Racism

Climate Week: EV100 Members' Lunch: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Travel & Tourism Climate and Environment Action Forum: World Travel And Tourism Council

Climate Week: Investing for a Sustainable Future: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Action and Reward: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Inspiring EV Solutions: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Young People at the Forefront of the Climate Movement: Sustaining All Life And United To End Racism

Climate Week: NextGen Cleantech: POWERBRIDGENY

Climate Week: Water: The Ultimate Climate Risk: Reuters Breakingviews

Climate Week: Equator Prize 2019 Award Ceremony: UNDP

24-25 September

SDG Summit: New York, US

25 September

Climate Week: RE100 Members' Forum: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Achieving Net Zero Embodied Carbon: World Green Building Council

Climate Week: Playing on Thin Ice: RECIPRIC

Climate Week: Climate Crisis and the Future of Food: Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Climate Week: WEDG Professionals Course: Waterfront Alliance

Climate Week: War & Climate Change: Sustaining All Life And United To End Racism

Climate Week: Building Futures: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Sustainability Programs and Mergers: Environmental Law Institute

Climate Week: Pakikinigang Magkapwa: Sustaining All Life And United To End Racism

Climate Week: The Role of Technology in Accelerating Climate Action: The Climate Group

Climate Week: NDC – The Business Case: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Raising the Bar: The Climate Group

Climate Week: Expressing Climate Grief: Sustaining All Life And United To End Racism

Climate Week: Can Development and Conservation Co-Exist? NYC Urban Field Station

26 September

High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development: New York, US

Climate Week: Building Energy NYC: Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (Nesea)

Climate Week: Making NY an Offshore Wind Jobs Hub: NY Offshore Wind Alliance

Climate Week: Embracing a Climate Risk Mindset: Climate Disclosure Standards Board (Cdsb)

Climate Week: Moody's Briefing 2019: Moody's Investors Service

Climate Week: Yoga in the Garden: Brooklyn Greenway Initiative

27 September

SAMOA High Level Review: New York, US

Climate Week: Climate Entrepreneurship in Africa: Ghana Climate Innovation Center

Climate Week: The State of Green Roofs in NYC: Green Roof Researchers Alliance And NYC Audubon

Climate Week: Marketplace of the Future: Future Meets Present

Climate Week: Activism Challenge: Forest Edition: Alpha'a Inc, Anne Fountain Foundation, Rainforest Alliance And Dietl International

28 September

Climate Week: AI Sustainable Development Group, the AI Sustainable Development Summit

Climate Week: Global Landscapes Forum NYC 2019 Global Landscapes Forum

30-4th September/October

15th Meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee: Rome, Italy


1-4 October

Third meeting of the SAICM Intersessional Process: Bangkok: Thailand

7-11 October

15th Meeting of the Rotterdam Convention Chemical Committee: Rome Italy

15-17 October

Budapest Water Summit 2019: Budapest, Hungary

19-20 October

G20 Health Ministers Meeting: Okayama, Japan

23-24 October

Our Ocean Conference: Oslo Norway

25-26 October

G20 Tourism Meeting: Hokkaido, Japan

29 October

OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment 2019: Paris, France


4-8 November

31st Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol: Lazio, Italy

11-12 November

G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting: Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

20-22 November

Global Science, Technology and Innovation Conference (G-STIC) 2019: Brussels, Belgium

25-29 November

Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury: Geneva, Switzerland


2-13 December

Santiago Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 25): Santiago, Chile

8-9 December

World Climate Summit: The Investment COP: Santiago, Chile

16-19th December

57th Meeting of the GEF Council: Washington D.C., US